MIL-STD-1530C(USAF) Onset of Widespread Fatigue Damage (WFD).
The analysis shall account for those factors which affect the time for typical-quality structure to experience the onset of WFD. These factors shall include initial quality and initial quality variations, chemical/thermal environment, load sequence and environment interaction effects, material property variations, and analytical uncertainties. Economic life.
The analysis shall account for those factors that affect the time for cracks or equivalent damage to reach sizes large enough to necessitate maintenance actions.
5.2.8 Corrosion assessment.
An assessment shall be conducted to identify the failure modes associated with the type(s) of corrosion identified by the CPCP described in 5.1.5 and the structural integrity consequences associated with the failure modes. Special attention should be given to those safety-of-flight and mission-critical aircraft structural locations where corrosion damage could affect the onset of fatigue cracking or lead to stress- corrosion cracking, and especially to those locations where corrosion could accelerate the onset of WFD. Consideration for the results of the assessment shall be utilized to evaluate accessibility for inspection, establish rework limits, and ensure component replaceability (if necessary) in the design of the aircraft structure.
5.2.9 Sonic fatigue analysis.
Sonic fatigue analysis shall be conducted to ensure the aircraft structure is resistant to sonic fatigue cracking throughout the design service life. The analysis shall define the intensity of the aeroacoustic environment from potentially critical sources and shall determine the dynamic response, including significant thermal effects. Potentially critical sources include but are not limited to powerplant noise, aerodynamic noise in regions of turbulent and separated flow, exposed cavity resonance, and localized vibratory forces.
5.2.10 Vibration analysis.
Vibration analysis shall be conducted to predict the resultant environment in terms of vibration levels in various areas of the aircraft such as the crew compartment, cargo areas, equipment bays, etc. The vibration analyses, in conjunction with the durability analyses of 5.2.7, shall show that the structure in each of these areas is resistant to cracking due to vibratory loads throughout the design service life. In addition, the analyses shall show that the vibration levels are acceptable for the reliable performance of personnel and equipment throughout the design service life of the aircraft.
5.2.11 Aeroelastic and aeroservoelastic analysis.
Analysis shall be conducted to determine the characteristics of the aircraft for flutter, divergence, and other related aeroelastic or aeroservoelastic instabilities. The primary objective of the analysis is to evaluate potential aeroelastic and aeroservoelastic instabilities and substantiate the ability of the aircraft structure to meet the specified aeroelastic airspeed margins, damping requirements, and aeroservoelastic stability margins for all design conditions. Analysis for design failure conditions shall also be conducted.
5.2.12 Mass properties analysis.
A mass properties analysis shall be conducted to determine the aircraft weight and balance. This analysis shall be based on estimates of the aircraft's design, construction, and usage at the time of Initial Operational Capability (IOC). In addition, a Mass Properties Control and Management Plan (MPCMP) shall be established and implemented throughout the life of the aircraft. Detailed guidance may be found in the Society of Allied Weight Engineers Recommended Practice Number 7 (SAWE RP No. 7).
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