(b) Pointer design: Pointer design and
and letters, except those specified
dimensions shall conform to
hereafter, shall be a minimum of
MS33585 Unless otherwise speci-
0.125 Inch and shall not exceed
fied for a particular display by
j0.141 inch. Where special empha-
the procuring activity.
sisis is required for increased read-
ability. the letters and numerals
(c) Graduation marks:
shall be at least 0.156 inch and
(1) Overall length should be deter-
shall not exceed 0.172 inch.
mined by the number of types
(b) Width: The width of the numerals
needed on an instrument, i.e.,
shall be between 0.4 and 0.7 of
major, minor, and intermedi-
the height, except the numeral
"4" which shall be between 0.5
(2) The absolute distance between
and 0.8 of the height, and the
midpoints of adjacent gradua-
numeral "1" which shall be one
tion marks should be not less
stroke width. The width of `the
than 0.07 inch for those instru-
letters shall be between 0.6 and
ments to be used under low
1.0 of the height, except the let-
brightness conditions where
ter "X" which shall be one stroke
dark adaptation is required.
width, the letters "J" and "L"
Under these conditions, the
which shall be between 0.5 and
smallest graduation mark
0.75 of the height, respectively.
which is recommended should
The letter "W" shall be between
be 0.10 inch long and 0.025 inch
0.7 and 1.1 of the height.
wide. Where low brightness
(c) Stroke width: The stroke width of
legibility is not required, the
the numerals shall be between
distance may be reduced to as
0.013 and 0.020 inch. The stroke
little as 0.035 inch if the grad-
width of the letters shall be be-
uation mark is a maximum of
tween 0.018 and 0.025 inch.
25 percent of the separation
distance. Class A - type II, and class B-
(3) Scales to be read quantitatively
type II.
shall be designed so that inter-
(a) Height: The height of the numerals
polated reading between gradu-
and letters shall be at least 0.156
ation marks shall be minimal
inch and shall not exceed 0.172
and shall not exceed the accu-
inch. Where emphasis is required
racy of the signal input. Inter-
for increased readability, the let-
polation requirements should
ters and numerals shall beat least
be kept as simple as possible,
0.188 inch and no greater than
e.g., interpolation of one
0.204 inch.
unit between graduation marks
rather than interpolation in
(b) Width: The width of the numerals
fifths or tenths. Interpolation
shall be between 0.6 and 0.7 of
in tenths can be used only if
the height, except the numeral
errors as large as 10 percent of
"4" which shall be between 0.6
the interval can be tolerated in
and 0.8 of the height, and the
50 percent of the readings.
numeral "1" which shall be one
stroke width. The width of the
3.2.2 Control panels.
letters shall be between 0.8 and Class A--type I, and class B--
1.0 of the height, except the letter
type I.
"I" which shall be one stroke
(a) Height: The height of all numerals
width, the letters "J" and "L"
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